Arlu Qedea

Gamer by nature

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Game Scenery vol.1

I thought this would be a good idea for a post, so here we go. The most beautiful sceneries in games. This is by no means a complete list, I’ll be compiling more posts like this one in the future. Let’s go:


Tera Scenery

Trine 2
Trine 2 Scenery


While this isn’t how the original game looks like, it’d be a shame to not include these screenshots. And I’m sure these effects can be achieved at least in part by modding.

Morrowind Scenery

Morrowind Scenery

Skyrim Scenery

The Lord of the Rings Online
The Lord of the Rings Online Scenery

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More experiences from the World of Wooz ;)

Let’s talk a little bit more about Woozworld, ‘kay?

I admit, I haven’t played it much before writing the first mini review. My stand on it didn’t change THAT much, but I encountered more rude people than I’d like. It’s kinda strange how a game geared towards kids can attract such people.

Anyway, Woozworld is okay, just keep an eye on your kid/kids who play it.

Now that’s out of the way, let’s delve a little bit more into the whole VIP thing, as well as currencies. There are two main ones - Wooz and Beex. Beex is the regular currency of the game’s world, while Wooz is something used solely by the paid subscribers - which means you can only obtain Wooz with a VIP account.

VIP advantages include:
Winning more Beex
Winning Wooz
Accessories for their Woozens and Unitz
Unique Spellz
Additional, extra votes
No ads

In my opinion, parents should consider paying those few bucks a month, as it...

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Funny Chat Moments from WoW

Some aren’t that good imo, but others are just brilliant hah. Worth a watch for sure!

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First steps into Woozworld

I wanted to share a few thoughts about Woozworld. I may not be a 14 years old lol, but I just had to check it out.

So what is Woozworld? It’s a game developed around the idea of social interactions, and that’s its main focus. What’s different about it, though? It’s targeted towards people of ages 10+. Generally kids and teens.

What struck me right away is that there are a lot of opportunities to talk, and the filters do a decent job of blocking any swearing. Decent doesn’t mean perfect, of course, as some people have work-arounds for the system. It’s still rare to see someone swear, like a baker’s dozen out of hundreds of conversations. And I am pretty sure anyone caught breaking the rules is quickly dealt with ;)

Be aware that no virtual world is safe, I’ve seen many people who were asking questions like “are you single?”, which is something parents may not want for their kids yet.


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Compilation of the Greatest Games vol.2

Let’s continue, shall we?

As with the previous post, remember these are just my opinions!


Definitely a classic, and a very unique one.

In Spore, you create your own species (a herbivore, omnivore or carnivore) and play all the way from a small cell, to a space-faring empire. Doesn’t that sound awesome?

I just had to put the game here because it’s so well executed and so much fun to play.
I guarantee if you start playing you will be glued to the screen, colonizing other planets, trading, or playing around in the creature/vehicle creator.

Unreal Tournament 2004

UT is still standing strong, no matter what year it is. High-adrenaline action, a lot of unique weapons that will suit any playing style, large scale battles with vehicles or small, action packed deathmatch maps - it’s all here.


One of the best games hands down. It brings great memories just listening to the music or...

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Videos on How to Build in Minecraft

Just a quick post, here are a couple of videos that might help!

The first is a general “how to build” guide, while the second shows you how to go about creating a wizard’s tower. Enjoy!

The second video has more parts, find them here:



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Minecraft mining guide

Or, well, this is how I do it!
The focus is to find as many diamonds as possible.

If you are completely new to Minecraft and mining, remember: you need an iron pickaxe (or better) to actually mine diamonds. If you destroy a diamond block with anything else it will go to waste.

First, dig down to level 12. I can’t remember where I read this, but most of the diamonds are between levels 12 and 16.

Then at 12, dig a straight tunnel, 2x3, like this (top view):

Minecraft Mining

Or to illustrate it better:

 Minecraft Mining Screenshot

You can put a crafting table down there, make a room with some chests for cobblestone and redstone (you’ll get lots).

What we’re gonna do is called branch mining, which ensures we get to see every single block between 12 and 16. This maximizes our chances of finding the good stuff!

Once you have the 2x3 tunnel done, start digging 1 wide, 4 high tunnels perpendicular to the main tunnel. Like this:


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Audiosurf, the ultimate time killer

It’s official now, once you start playing your favorite songs, the ride will never end.

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Compilation of the greatest games vol.1

… I’ve ever played.

Warning! Arlu gives her opinions! So no hate :) There are many games I have not played, obviously. But out of the ones I enjoyed, here are the few that really got stuck in my memory:

TES III: Morrowind

The first TES game I played, and for me, the best RPG ever. I got it just a few months after release. Back then, I was absolutely amazed by the huge, completely open world and the freedom.
Countless nights were spent playing this masterpiece. Brewing potions in the Balmora’s mages guild, Exploring Vivek, travelling across Vvardenfell looking for caves and ruins, toying with spells like “levitate” and “jump”, and of course fighting cliffracers :)

Morrowind will always remain a special title for me. The atmosphere in the game is amazing, and so is the music. Long interesting quests, hundreds of hours of gameplay. And I bet I still didn’t find all there is to find in...

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A few Runescape tips…

Do not fight QBD with a two handed weapon and regular antifires.

Seriously, I tried this once, didn’t end well :)

Flip stuff at the GE only if you are patient.

Otherwise you may lose a lot of cash quickly.

Get drygores

Just get them as soon as you can. They are amazing.
I recommend you get the maces. The damage difference between drygores is so tiny it’s almost not there. The MH mace gives a nice prayer bonus.

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